The End of Victimhood

Think back on your life for a moment and reflect on some of the unfortunate things that have "happened to you." How did you react? What did you learn? Perhaps you are still recovering from specific moments in your past. I know I'm still recovering from a variety of traumatic incidents in my life. But I'm not giving up, that's for damn sure, because I know that without those moments of intense challenge we don't learn. And if we don't learn, we don't grow. And if we don't grow, then what the hell are we doing here?

COVID-19 was the perfect opportunity to more deeply analyze the Hermetic Principle As within, so without. While the non-sensical intensity around the COVID drama at the onset has simmered, the consequences of this mind virus are very much active in the collective psyche. COVID, and our human reactions to it, is an external representation of our collective consciousness. And damn if COVID hasn't revealed some bitter truths. It has shown us that some of the players in this game are scared shitless about literally everything. Others believed that all of the scary madness would just go away if they ignored it or chanted Kumbaya cross-legged on a pillow. COVID showed us that some people want to control other people, and other people want to be controlled because they believe that control = safety. There's a lot to unpack, for sure.

There's even more to unpack when one considers that our collective consciousness is but a reflection of our own individual consciousness. Everyone harbors all of the beliefs above to varying degrees. But if that's the case, then why, during COVID, did some people act rational while others appeared to have lost their damn minds?

The answer is quite simple: some people have done the inner work - others haven't.

Take Donald Trump, for example. Trump is an exceptional gift for this reality. I'm not joking - not even close. Donald Trump has unknowingly offered humanity an incredible opportunity for inner healing and self-reflection. Trump is the Great Mirror. For many people, he is either the Savior or the Anti-Christ. People praise him, or they curse him. Individuals worldwide are projecting their beliefs, traumas, and perceptions on a person they've never met. The most voraciously vocal of these individuals are also often
very disembodied - that is, they live their lives vicariously. They don't know who they are, they think reality happens to them, and they have done little to no self-reflection on their own lives. They gather energy by projecting their shadow onto Donald Trump, proclaiming that he is this or that, and telling everyone who thinks differently that they are part of the problem. So goes The Great Mirror of Life.

Things on this planet will not change until we do. Planet-destroying floods aside, that's just how it is.

The good news is that we can change. We change ourselves by changing our role in the game, which sometimes seems to have the cards stacked against us. Let's be honest - it is no easy process. It is a long, arduous journey that takes time, dedication, and, above all else, bravery. It takes bravery because sleeping people don't like it when those around them wake up and point out the lies that we have all been living.

Within the first few years of our life, our inherent Wakefulness is dragged into the heaviness of the world. We come to accept our lot as victims on a blue marble floating through empty space. The script tells us that life is suffering, that nothing's fair, that magic is fiction, and that the only two things one can count on are death and taxes. But when a person is bold enough to peek behind the proverbial curtain, they recognize that everything is a choice. This moment is where true sovereignty begins.

Remember, you are the greatest character in your story. Don't let another writer pen the script.

Sovereignty, like Wakefulness, is the inherent state of every human being, yet many must reclaim it. This reclamation begins by acknowledging the falsehoods we have lived and then taking deliberate steps toward the truth, no matter how sharp or blinding that light may be. Our pursuit of truth must remain unwavering, as it will guide our divergence from the lies of Babylon.

The Awakening Sovereign must possess the courage to eradicate everything that obstructs their own mental and physical freedom. This requires a deep self-examination of fears, personal dramas, addictions, and any crutches that have thus far convinced the Seeker that they cannot walk and, thus, will never run. The path to self-knowledge is not for the faint of heart, but the rewards reap riches beyond anything you can imagine.

Sovereignty is not about "letting things happen." While finding harmony with the Great Mystery requires a degree of surrender, there's always a fine line between faith and apathy. Many people have been conditioned to believe that all they have to do is think positive thoughts, ignore the problem at hand, and stick the keys into the ignition of the manifestation machine. That, my friend, is New Agey nonsense. Our relationship with our external reality is reciprocal, requiring our psychic and physical involvement. The individual imbibed with self-knowledge learns to apply the wisdom of their lessons and skillfully engage with reality to better themselves and the world around them. Purpose is no longer a search but a state of being.

The Awakened Sovereign is more powerful than any king or dictator, for this individual has seen and experienced their true power and divinity. They have marched into the fires of life and have emerged better in every way. They know who they are. They know what they are capable of. They walk the path for others to follow.